Korean 46th Congress of Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

Implant Complication Management
Founder and CEO of The Dental Implant Institute
Dental implants are becoming the treatment of choice for dentistry today. From overdentures, to advanced Periodontitis, to single tooth replacement, patients and clinician both prefer dental implants as their treatment of choice rather than to save the teeth temporarily. With this shift in treatment planning amongst the doctors today, another area of concern arises. Implant complications are a natural occurrence as our industry moves towards advancements in dentistry. Complications can range from a simple loose abutment screw, to total fixture failures or as extensive as damage to the vital anatomical structures. These types of complications can occur in your own practice or a patient may come to you with the existing problem. What is the best method to remove the implants and when to save an implant? These types of questions can be answered.
ICM Part I
How to recognize the cause and solutions to correct fixture problems
How to correct damage to vital anatomical structures Oral-Antral Communication, Sinusitis, Nerve Damage, Bony-Dehiscence and Fenestration)
Learn how to correct the problem by removing the implant or save an implant,
Learn from complications to become a better implantologist
The clinician should be able to treat and manage various types of implant failures due to surgical, prosthetic, and peri-implantitis. The clinician should be able to recognize potential pitfalls of a particular case at the treatment planning stage to avoid potential complication. When complications arise, he or she will be able to determine the best solution to solve that problem either by repair with bone grafting, and/or by implant removal and re-implantation, Thisalso gives the clinician the ability to manage soft tissue around the implant to correct implant esthetic failures.