Course Info


【ICOI國際口腔種植醫師學會】2024 ICOI Winter Implant Symposium

開課日期:113年01月25日 (四) |
08:00 ~ 12:00

時間:08:00am - 12:00pm
地點:Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
主題:Sinus Complications Demystified: Simple Solutions for Relief
主講人:Leon Chen, DMD., MS., DBA., PD.

Join our course and embark on a transformative journey in the world of sinus lift procedures! With a rich history spanning over 50 years, we have witnessed numerous modifications, but the question remains; have we reached a plateau, or is there an exciting, paradigm-shifting innovation on the horizon?

Explore a wide spectrum of sinus complications ranging from foreign objects lodged in the sinuses to more severe cases, such as large oroantral communications and fistulas. This course offers a one-of-a-kind, most innovative step-by-step guidance on resolving these issues with ease, predictability, and reproducibility right in your office setting. Discuss effective techniques for managing complications, whether they are small or significant, and begin to gain the expertise to successfully complete implant replacements even in problematic sites.

If you encounter even one sinus complication, this course will pay for itself. Join us for a thorough review of sinus issues and an in-depth exploration of sinus complications and how to resolve them, without synthetic membrane, in a clinical setting.

Course Objectives:
1. Master effective techniques for managing complications.
2. Develop expertise in successfully placing implants, even in problematic sites.
3. Access new and innovative solutions designed for general dentists.
4. Receive a step-by-step booklet with clear explanations and images for future reference.